Building your network

Bitcoin Building your network Building your website Lightning

Book a help session!

Get help with any task or bitcoin related questions: I will schedule a 40-minute zoom call with you after you pay and select an appointment. Sessions are available 7 days a week. After you pay, select and schedule your session. You will receive a confirmation email and I will send you a Zoom invitation to […]

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Building your network

Instructions to build your network

Ready to get started? Links to videos for individual steps to build a network to monetize content for you, your family, and anyone else you want to partner with. What are the costs? The costs are based on the website services needed to host and build your website and payment processor for bitcoin. Startup Process […]

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Building your network

Emergency access planning

As you build your network and have become comfortable with the operation, you will want to begin to think about emergency situations that may occur. How will your family operate the network if you are not available? Is there anyone that wants to learn and become your backup? You hold the keys and passwords to […]

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